Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
Wishing everyone the best for the coming holiday. I myself am looking forward to a big dish of ramen noodles!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
I (still) ain't dead
I know that I promised a discussion on the werewolf trope so let me explain why I'm not updating. No internet--still. I use the library connection on my laptop but the connection is limited and the laptop so old that it's powered by hampsters and the battery is a clay jug that you squeeze oranges into. On top of that, I am way behind on several projects and losing ground. (My good lady wife has aquired a puppy. I love dogs and this one is a cutie. It's also VERY time consuming.) In addition Wondermous Bean For True was killed by a dog pack; losing a companion animal really messes with your ability to concentrate.
So, I'm working on getting posts ready to upload when I have time and then I'll put them up when I have a good connection (which means I'll still be posting in clusters).
Okay, quick news that may be redundant because stupid blogger changed the layout again and I can't see my previous posts. ANYHOW.
I did not get the arts fellowship and Crippled Falcon will not be in Dreams of Steam 3 (although it should still see print soon enough).
Enough excuses. Back to work.
(Hi Hannah)
Friday, March 16, 2012
No MidsouthCon for Me
I just found out that due to vehicular problems, I will be unable to attend Midsouth Con after all. It's heartbreaking, especially missing the werewolf discussion and getting to see Mr. JF Lewis again but, things happen. Hopefully, I won't mess up the poor souls who do programming too badly.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Brass Africa Chronology
Just a quick post to clarify the order of the various Brass Africa stories and novellas and where you can find them.
"Black Rhino" (Dreams of Steam)
"Grass Elephant" (Dreams of Steam II)
"Matua's Bats" (childrens, awaiting publication)
"Stone Oracle" (Midnight Screaming 4.1)
"Falcon" (Title my change, probably will appear in Dreams of Steam III)
This covers the beginning years of the Bantu Nation, from just after the death of Shaka to Mpande's return (the generation before the Boer Wars).
"Black Rhino" (Dreams of Steam)
"Grass Elephant" (Dreams of Steam II)
"Matua's Bats" (childrens, awaiting publication)
"Stone Oracle" (Midnight Screaming 4.1)
"Falcon" (Title my change, probably will appear in Dreams of Steam III)
This covers the beginning years of the Bantu Nation, from just after the death of Shaka to Mpande's return (the generation before the Boer Wars).
Friday, March 9, 2012
Midsouth Con Time
Once again, I'm off to Memphis and Midsouth SFF Convention ( to discuss my craft with fans and other tradesmen. By all means, come and visit if you're in the area and watch me not win the Daryl award (again). The convention runs Friday to Sunday, March 23-25 and also has really good and interesting authors to meet as well as yours truly.
One of the interesting things going on this year, for me, is that I'm scheduled to be on a panel about werewolves. This is going to be a bit of a challenge since, as a few of you know, I've been working on a non-fiction book on werewolves and gathering data for a few years now. My goal on the panel is to keep my fat mouth shut and let other people talk. We'll see how it goes. Related to this, if I can find the time, I'm going to be putting up a series of posts covering the main points of my own observations on the werewolf trope and getting your feedback before I proceed on with the project. So look for much werewolf discussion here soon (I hope).
One of the interesting things going on this year, for me, is that I'm scheduled to be on a panel about werewolves. This is going to be a bit of a challenge since, as a few of you know, I've been working on a non-fiction book on werewolves and gathering data for a few years now. My goal on the panel is to keep my fat mouth shut and let other people talk. We'll see how it goes. Related to this, if I can find the time, I'm going to be putting up a series of posts covering the main points of my own observations on the werewolf trope and getting your feedback before I proceed on with the project. So look for much werewolf discussion here soon (I hope).
Monday, March 5, 2012
New Brass Africa Story in Midnight Screaming

The Brass Africa saga has been gaining traction in Steampunk circles and now, if you're interested, there is another story in this setting in the current issue of Midnight Screaming. (If this thing did its usual stunt and eat the link, that's
This story is not part of the main Brass Africa storyline but is, instead a supplimental horror story that fills in some of the events that happen between "Grass Elephant" and the upcoming "Falcon". The story is definitely worth looking at, the magazine is great and well produced, and as an added bonus, you can come to MidSouth Con in Memphis in a few weeks, buy the magazine there, and get both myself and the editor to sign it. What could be better?
Monday, February 6, 2012
Cross-Promoting Other People Who Need Food Money Too

Actually, I think Mr. Lewis can afford food but that's now. In an author's life, if you don't buy his books: today, food; tomorrow, leaves. So, I bring to your attention, J. F. Lewis' latest Void City book. Now, some links but I warn you, his website is all flashy and professional so, leaving here, be prepare for the cultural shock.
( and (
Right. Now if we're all really lucky, the picture and the links will work on this infernal, never-to-be-sufficiently-cursed-interwassit. (Did I mention culture shock?)
Now, I like Mr. Lewis a lot but I have to warn you in good faith, he uses a LOT of bad language. Yeah, yeah, I know, only me and the Victorian mouse in my pocket care but I don't want anyone buying the book and then going "Hey, it's got the F word in it." Still good writing so, if you read horror and like your vampires non-twinkling, buy it. Remember, only you, the market, can save vampires from becoming sparkly keychains.
About now, someone will ask: Do YOU, Mr. Keaton, have anything out yet? Well, yes, as a matter of fact I do. And someday I will get around to posting about it but, I don't like talking about my own stuff and I much prefer sending you to read an author I know is good so for now, be content with the fact that I have two items pending, signed one new contract this week, I have another short story commission, and the first chapter of the new JSJames book is ready for my beta-readers (if you want to be on the beta-reading team, as always, let me know). Add in one black-box project and I still have more market than I have stories finished. Must write faster. Must outrun other authors. Must resist urge to run for president. (Still trying to figure out how to succeed and form my own country. THAT, I would move up on the priority list if I can figure out how to do it.)
Anywho, check out Burned and then get the full series. I have it on good authority that unlike other hacks who are just stringing you along for as long as they can go, Mr. Lewis actually has a story arc and a theme.
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